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                                                                                  How can I learn more?
                                                                                                         The first step for enrolling at New Frontiers is to call                                                                                                          our school at 262-662-6088 OR to email                                                                                                              for more information. You                                                                                                         can also use the contact form on this website.                                                                                                                    If/when there is availability for your child/children we                                                                                                       will contact you to schedule a tour with our Owner or                                                                                                         Director. As a measure of safety for our school                                                                                                                 community, we do not offer tours to anyone who is                                                                                                           not a prospective family (ie. touring for an offered                                                                                                             enrollment space).                                                                                                                      

                                                                      I hear there's a wait-list...
                                                                           Upon inquiring, your child/children will be added to NFP's waiting list. More accurately this is a "contact list" of interested families. Our contact list stores data for all students including date of birth, number of days/times desired, start date, etc. The contact list is monitored and updated almost daily. Whenever an enrollment space opens, the list is filtered for students that match the age-group and schedule available. While we do strive to first serve families who have been on the waiting list longer, sometimes a new inquiry may receive service first due to a perfect alignment of need and availability. We *assure* you, your family's information remains on the list and eligible for enrollment unless we receive a request from you to be removed from the list. 

How long might it take to be contacted? 
       All enrollment is dependent on availability, and this tends to follow a particular trend. At the end of August, a large student body transition happens with many of our Eagles students graduating and our other classes shifting up into their next (older) classrooms. The beginning of "our school year" (start of September)- though we do operate year-round - is a great time to enroll at NFP. 
    Typically there will be a few remaining open spaces throughout October and November. Beyond that, NFP typically runs at full-capacity. Occasionally experiences unexpected openings as a result of families moving, etc. Any of these circumstances will lead us to consult the contact list and make an offer of enrollment. 

     In the spirit of transparency, enrollment in the Infant and Toddler classrooms is trickier than other groups as the State regulated group size is not to exceed 8 students a day. Still, of course, we love welcoming new families into our youngest classrooms, so be sure to join the contact list as soon as possible.

Are there fees associated with the contact list, touring, or registration?
                 There are no fees associated with joining the contact list or coming in for a tour. If your family does choose to accept the enrollment space, NFP requires 1) a one-time $50.00 registration fee and 2) the first two weeks of tuition to formally reserve the spot. Both of these payments are non-refundable. The first two weeks do go to pay the first two weeks of tuition (ie. this payment is not held like a security deposit).

Enrollment Documents:
Upon touring, a family will receive all of the registration and enrollment
documents necessary to start the process. 

A few informational documents are offered here:

New Frontiers' "Toilet Learning" Principles and Policies
State Guide to Selecting Licensed Child Care
Health Department Guidelines for Meals Sent from Home

Documents for attending students:
Enrolled families may have occasion to need to update some 
documents. You may always inquire for a hard-copy in the office, but these digital versions may be more efficient for your family. Let us know if you have any 

Health History and Emergency Care Plan 
Emergency Contact Card
Authorization to Administer Medication 
Child (2+) Information form
Toddler Intake form
Child Health Report
Immunization Chart



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© Copyright 2024 by New Frontiers Children's Center

350 Double Tree Lane

Grafton, Wisconsin 53024

Tel: 262-662-6088


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