I Want to Get in Touch! Is Anyone There?
We want your inquiry! Please read on for some tips on what to expect...
NFP receives a significant volume of inquiries. We are sorry that we are only able to respond to inquiries when we have matching availability. Depending on the age of a child (typically for students under 2yrs) this may sometimes mean an extensive wait time, as NFP mostly runs at capacity year-round, with class changes occurring in September. This in no way indicates disinterest in your inquiry or getting to know your child and family!
While your office gals are committed to gathering your wait-list info, we are also highly engaged administrative staff. In addition to monitoring office matters, we may be building nature play equipment, tending to an injured child, repairing a toilet, reading to a class of kids, teaching staff a new educational approach, and so much more.
By submitting the below information, please be assured that your information will be added to the waiting list. Serving families is what NFP is all about, so we will happily reach out if and when availability exists for your child(ren). We hope to be of service to you soon!

Submit the form below to join the wait list.
Thank you for your interest in our school!